BSOD : Stop 0x0000006B PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED (caused by bootcat.cache)

If you get a BSOD on your Windows 7 system with the following error code : 0x0000006B, the problem could be caused by a corrupted bootcat.cache file (normal file's size is ~6MB and on a corrupted system the file is around ~14kb).
A workaround is to boot on a live system (linux, Windows repair, ...), delete the corrupted bootcat.cache file (in %SystemRoot%\system32\codeintegrity), copy it from a working copy (downloaded from internet, taken from a healthy system, ...) and reboot your computer on Windows session.
Once logged in as an administrator, edit asap the bootcat.cache's properties (if the file size is already around 14kb, you have to restart the procedure) and set the file as readonly.

This should do the trick...

#1 #2


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